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Understanding Agile – Complete Guide for Beginners

Develop the skills to drive business value and become an indispensable asset in today’s job market.

  • Last Updated: September 18, 2024
  • English

About Course

What you will learn
What is Agile After All?

Spoiler: Agile isn’t just about sprints or sticky notes, and it’s definitely not just for software or startups. Whether you’re an individual or a Fortune 500 company, Agile can be your secret weapon.

Decoding Frameworks, Tools, and Roles

There’s no one “right” way to do Agile. It’s like building with constructor blocks—start with a set plan, then get creative and design something uniquely yours as you gain experience.

Understanding The Customer

Unlock the secrets of predicting customer needs, delivering delightful experiences, and, yes, boosting profits in the process.

Building Great Products With Less Effort

Tangible goods, services, software—whatever you’re working on, discover proven methods to streamline processes, cut waste, and deliver exceptional value.

Saying "No" to Micromanagement

Meet the Agile leaders who drive results without standing over shoulders. Discover how to maximize your team’s potential while focusing on what truly matters.

Managing Risks

Future-proof your organization against market shifts, tech disruptions, and evolving customer preferences. Embrace a new approach to risk management that’s baked into your processes.

Prioritizing Like a Pro

Take control of your life and work with Agile planning. Say goodbye to last-minute scrambles and hello to focused, effective prioritization.

Securing Your Career

Agile is the personal computer of the 21st century—not everyone knows how to use it yet, but it’s about to become indispensable. The sooner you learn, the more you stand to gain in the job market.

Does any of this sound familiar to you?
Lost in Translation

Scrum? Story points? It’s like everyone’s speaking in code, and you’re still looking for the decoder ring.

Agile Misfit

You’re in an Agile world but feel like you’re playing the wrong game. Fitting in feels as challenging as finding a unicorn.

Chronic Deadline Syndrome

Deadlines keep slipping away like soap in the shower—no matter how hard you try, they’re always out of reach.

Effort without Impact

Your team’s burning the midnight oil, but the results? Let’s just say they’re more “dim flicker” than “bright light.”

Market Mayhem

You’re working hard, but customers are fleeing like it’s a fire drill, and meeting market demands feels like an impossible puzzle

Vision-Execution Gap

You’ve got the vision, but executing it feels like trying to herd cats through a fog.

Feedback Fiasco

You’re gathering feedback, but turning it into actionable steps? It’s like trying to piece together a jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces.

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Course Curriculum

  • 1: Introduction
  • 2: What is Agile?
  • 3: What is Lean and how is it related to Agile?
  • 4: Agile mindsets, principles and values
  • 5: Agile frameworks, tools, roles

Free access this course
  • Lectures32
  • Skill LevelExpert
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Course Duration: 5h

Target Audience

  • If You Are Curious
  • If You Are Working In A Company
  • If You Are Starting A New Job
  • If You Are A Student Or An Entry-Level Employee
  • If You Are A Manager Or A Business Owner
  • If You Want To Become A Product Owner, Scrum Master, Or Agile Coach
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